"So we refused him locally!"

"Not bad. You know how to sayno. It says that you have the potential of foreign investors to do a good job. I like you," Zhang Yiping praised.
The three young people were a little excited, and then Yuan Wanhong said, "We rejected Michelle, but he made another request, which we thought should be considered."
When Zhang Yiping heard that these three young people were still young, it was very likely that they were taken in.
This is a psychological warfare trick. First, the French make a difficult request to refuse them, and then make a more appropriate request, which makes it difficult to refuse again! Sure enough, three young people were fooled by their inexperience.
"No matter what he asks, he must refuse it!" Zhang Yiping said.
"But I think it is beneficial to our current situation to regress appropriately!" Yuan Wanhong said evasively and looked nervously at Zhang Yiping at the same time. After all, it was the first time he was against Zhang Yiping.
"Tell me about it?" Zhang Yiping didn’t get angry but encouraged Yuan Wanhong to say it.
Yuan Wanhong just settled down and continued, "Teacher, I figured it out that if we want to be respected by others in France, we must be strong enough. Now it is an opportunity to upgrade our strength to have Chinese workers join us."
"Because I believe that before the dignity brothers are trained into the army, we might as well release a little kindness and endure it. Even if we fight, we should put our fists away first and wait until we fight again to be more energetic."
"I’m afraid that if you release too much goodwill, people will be tempted to bully you!" Zhang Yiping frowned and said that Yuan Wanhong’s policy of weakness did not conform to his thought. He was always keen on taking the initiative to attack. It was his character as an army sergeant, especially in Europe, where the law of the jungle showed weakness and cowardice, and he would be bullied.
However, Zhang Yi believes that he will not hesitate when he takes the initiative to always master Zhang Yiping’s hand.
"Come on, how do we need to show goodwill to the French?" Zhang Yiping said.
"We have occupied the whole train north, and there are almost half of the tenth district of Paris, which has caused hundreds of thousands of people to flee. Now these people have caused a burden to the Paris city government. They asked us if we could let these citizens return home as soon as possible?"
"This is no problem!" Zhang Yiping agreed to him at once. After all, he is a modern writer and is active in this part of France. His troops have never harassed the local people. However, Paris was an accident. He went the wrong way and accidentally broke into Paris. He had to disperse the French in the control area. Some decisions were made against his will, and most French people who fled voluntarily.
"You discuss with Zhang, the head of the 32nd regiment, to let him gradually put on guard and let Parisians return home. After all, we are not targeting ordinary French citizens," Zhang Yiping said.
"Teachers here, after all, is France, we should try not to follow the French opposition! In addition, if we agree to be France, we will help the French to resist the German invasion of the just army, and the name is justified. Many French people will be less alert to us accordingly.
If you want us to form a formal agreement team, maybe the British will be under pressure to hand over their control of South China University of Technology to us for management, and then you can form a real team of hundreds of thousands of people. "
The British control about 100,000 Chinese laborers at most, and most of them have military training, but the British will hand over so many people to Zhang Yiping? Zhang Yiping is very suspicious.
"But to become an allied army, you must get orders from the Chinese government!" Yuan Wanhong saw a Zhang Yiping face just said.
Zhang Yiping smiled and said, "Ambassador Hu asked you to say these words, Brother Wan Hong!"
Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not speaking for Ambassador Hu and the Beiyang government. I’m thinking for ourselves. I think this is an effective way to strengthen ourselves. If it is not realized, we will have about 150,000 troops in less than one year. Even if there are millions of British and French Coalition forces, we have to consider our voice. Only in this way can we completely change the status of China people in France and Europe.
Zhang Yiping hesitated for a while, and Yuan Wanhong continued, "Of course, if the British don’t submit, we will send tens of thousands of troops to the north. I believe that the Germans are very willing to cooperate, just like forcing the French to release Chinese workers today, they can also be rescued directly."
Zhang Yiping finally nodded. "This seems to be a good thing with multiple goals. If it is realized, it will be a good thing for our Chinese Communist Youth League, the embassy in France, the Beiyang government of China, and the French and British governments. It is simply a good thing with multiple goals. I have no reason not to try it."
"I hope this is not our wishful thinking," Zhang Yiping said.
Chapter 13 A stranger in a foreign land
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Zhang Yiping just agreed to let Yuan Wanhong try it. Hu Weide, the ambassador to France, came to Zhang Yiping early the next morning. As soon as he met, Hu Weide laughed heartily and held out his hand at a distance and said, "Zhang Laodi finally figured it out! “
Zhang Yiping shook hands with Hu Weide and frowned and said, "If a woman figures it out, she will marry. If a man figures it out, what is that?"
Hu Weide also took Zhang Yiping’s hand and said, "I want to pass it! Brother, it is a good thing for all parties to make such a decision. Brother, I told you before, bear a calm moment and take a step back. Does brother have a feeling that the sky is high and the clouds are light now? "
Zhang Yiping slapped his hand. "Is the sky high and the clouds light?"
"Yeah, I have such a feeling when I go out this morning! I feel very refreshing! " Hu weide road
Of course, he refreshed Zhang Yiping’s choice of France and France to solve the French diplomatic crisis in China. Who is happy if he is not happy?
However, Zhang Yiping was quickly attracted by another person. He saw a very beautiful young woman behind Hu Weide wearing a quietly elegant suit, and her face was bright and smooth with a shallow smile, which made people’s eyes shine.
"I also have a feeling that the sky is high and the clouds are light, just like the feeling of standing on the top of Mont Blanc, the highest peak in the Alps. I also wrote a poem!" Zhang Yiping Road
"Would you like to hear more?" Hu Weide Yin Yin laughed. His smile was obvious. He didn’t believe that Zhang Yiping, a clown, could write poems.
"Anyway, I have studied poetry for six years in primary school, six years in middle school and four years in college, and I still know a little!" Zhang Yiping said that he didn’t know how to write poems, but he also remembered several great poems. Before becoming a beauty, he must write poems to prove that he didn’t know a word, so don’t worry about it.
Sixteen years to go to college? This person’s level is also extremely limited. Hu Weide wanted to listen to what he wrote and listen to Zhang Yiping’s chant
"The sky is high and the clouds are light.
Wangduan Nanfeiyan
One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero.
Finger stroke is 20 thousand
Mont Blanc peak
the red flag thrown into west wind
Today’s long tassel hand
Tie black dragon? "
Hu Weide clapped his hands at once and sighed, "A good poem is not a hero unless it reaches the Great Wall! Miaomiao! How heroic! …”
There was also a flash of extraordinary splendour in the beautiful girl’s eyes behind. Zhang Yiping crossed Hu Weide and held out his hand to her and said, "Is this young lady Zhang Yiping called?"
Hu Weide quickly turned around and introduced, "This is a niece who came from the United States and will leave for Marseille tomorrow and then return home by boat!" "
Zhang Yiping was a little disappointed, but he said, "Beautiful lady, you seldom come to France. Would you please allow me to accompany you to Paris for a visit?"
The beautiful woman gently smiled at Wang Zhu’s lips and said in a pleasant voice, "Paris has been made a mess by you?"
"I am very sorry!" Zhang Yiping said.
"Ambassador Hu has something to talk to you about. You ignore me. I’ll just have a look around here. I’m far more interested in your group than the city of Paris!" Beauty said.
Hu Weide pestered Zhang Yiping to tell Zhang Yiping that he had sent it back to China and reported the matter to acting President Feng Guozhang. The Beijing government also agreed that French and Chinese workers should form a Chinese delegation to represent China in the European war.
Hu Weide also said that the Beijing government will order the deputy commander-in-chief and commander-in-chief of the Zhang Yiping Zhong * * regiment to be sent by the state to bear the responsibility.
"I know that there must be no good thing if no one ploughs in the thin field and some people fight for it!" Zhang Yiping said, "This trick is called sand mixing. When I was stupid, I created the * * League with my own hands. I don’t have a dime with your Beiyang government. If the Chinese people get in my way, I will shoot him."
Hu Weide hurriedly exhorted, "Brother, if you can’t bear it, you will make great plans. People from their country come here in a strange place and are not at your mercy?" Then you can just let them go to the headquarters of the British and French Coalition forces to sit in the town. Everyone has nothing to do with each other and will make a big fight for foreigners to see the joke? "
"This is the best. Who is Ambassador Hu going to send?"
"Since China declared war on Germany, Xu Shuzheng was ordered by Duan Qirui to train the chief of staff of the War Department to prepare for the war in Europe. As expected, Xu Shuzheng should be sent over, and Xu Shuzheng is Duan Qirui’s confidant. Now acting President Feng Guozhang has a contradiction with Duan Qirui, so Feng Guozhang is also very willing to transfer Xu Shuzheng from Duan Qirui’s arm, but Duan Qirui may not want Xu Shuzheng to come over."
"This candidate is afraid that it will be difficult to decide for a while!" Hu Weide said
Zhang Yiping was a little relieved. He didn’t mind getting along with them if people from other countries didn’t want too much. After all, they are all from China, but the first thing is to ask others.
All the soldiers in the regiment practiced his marksmanship in the Gun King Series. According to the present social system in China, all the officers and men in the regiment are his brothers. Although there is no such thing as an apprentice in the army in Zhang Yiping, everyone knows that Zhang Yiping is the granddaddy and he can be replaced.
Zhang Yiping finally didn’t ask this beautiful woman what her surname was, let alone where her marriage information was. When Zhang Yiping asked, she just smiled and said, "You must have met someone from a foreign land?"
And Hu Weide is also very mysterious!
The beautiful woman has gone, and her graceful back has taken away Zhang Yiping’s poor thoughts and left her disappointed!
Zhang Yiping loves her work to relieve her love for beautiful women.
Zhang Yiping, the battalion commander of the new barracks, of course, wants to meet him personally when the recruits enter the camp. Now they don’t teach those simple marksmanship personally. The instructor of the new barracks has summed up a set of effective methods in the actual teaching process. This is all thanks to Zeng Dawa, the deputy battalion commander. Zhang Yiping came here mainly to meet the recruits and let them know who they are and who their soldiers are loyal to.
The new barracks set up a large terrace next to the train, which used to be a place for stacking goods. The new barracks sorted out a whole large wide area and came out. The new Chinese workers were also washed and cleaned up on the first day, and then they formed a company to be taken to the campsite by the company commander-the surrounding factories, warehouses, public facilities, residential houses and even train carriages and other places where people can live.
Chapter 131 Gunners’ Honor
People who have changed their military uniforms can be called recruits. Before entering the camp, there is another important thing for recruits to do, that is, they must sign the Life and Death Form. People who do not sign the Life and Death Form will not be accepted by the army, and people who do not sign the Life and Death Form will not be qualified to practice the face-to-face marksmanship of Gun King Tong.
Although the current * * League is no longer the former "salary group", there have been some changes in Life and Death, but the basic spirit has not changed.
First, the Chinese workers and foreigners in Europe oppressed and enslaved the dignity, freedom and benefit of getting their due wages and had to rise up and resist.
Second, whether the struggle is successful or not, the living will seek justice from the dead and take care of their families and bring up their minor children.
The article "bringing up minor children" is very important. China people have to work hard all their lives to bring up minor women to continue their descendants. With this guarantee, soldiers will not hesitate to pay their lives 2.