"Master, this is my ancient leaves! The plague virus in Neupera may affect your combat effectiveness. Can I protect you from the virus in one day? I wonder if it will be enough for the master to finish everything in one day? "

Six orange leaves grew from a green branch of the sacred oak tree Iluvita, and then these leaves slowly floated to Lin Ze, Maya, Clent, Doresefen, Lei Kedun and Aganzo.
Catch this piece of orange and ancient leaves. Lin Ze’s face flashed a sneer
"When one day is enough, let me see a purgatory formed by Diregie! Karen, Master Morgan of Lei Kedun wants to know the truth. It’s in Noipera. Let’s finish Master Morgan’s wishes together … "
With the sound of Linze falling on the streets of Noipera town, a group of humanoid shadows appeared in front of Lin Ze.
Body snatcher? Oh no? When you see the creatures that appear in the street clearly, the faces of Clent and others have emerged more than anger, which is even stronger than when they saw the group of dark elves.
This group of creatures should be recorded in Morgan’s diary as the walking dead … These dark elves are not completely covered by purple mushroom disease like the former ones, and they are out of the dark elf form. These dark elves are still quiet in general, but they belong to the beautiful face of the dark elves. At this time, they have become more ferocious and rotten, and their skin is full of a kind of frightening horror.
"It’s a member of the Noipera militia!" After seeing the body ornaments of this group of dark elf zombies clearly, Clent immediately told the origin of this group of dark elf zombies …
A member of the dark elf militia? It turns out that the militia guarding Noipera can become their enemies at this time. Perhaps this group of dark elf militia members must be full of sadness in their hearts.
"unforgivable!" Lin Ze hasn’t shot yet. Lei Kedun Whisperwind and Maya have disappeared around Lin Ze …
Zombie militia members who are still in the form of dark elves have caused great shock to Maya and Lei Kedun Whisperwind. They can feel the pain of these dark elves militia. What they are doing now is to free these dark elves militia …
Mei Ya’s "Assassin’s Heart" and Lei Kedun Whisperwind’s long knife "Qingya" have turned two lights into this group of dark elf militia! The limbs danced without a trace of blood flowing out. This group of dark elf zombies is already lifeless … But it is worth noting for Lin Ze that this group of dark elf militia zombies will blow themselves up before they get out of control if they are not killed by Maya or Lei Kedun.
The blood fog produced by the self-explosion will cause strong corrosion if it touches an object. Although the agile figures like Maya and Lei Kedun Whisperwind can’t be touched by the blood fog produced by the self-explosion of these militia zombies, these militia self-explosions still cause some obstacles to their actions.
However, this does not affect the result. Lin Ze, Doresefen and Little Tree Mother Healty have all joined in the battle. This is a purification war. Lin Ze is walking in no hurry, while the elf militia zombies are lit … Little Tree Mother Healty Wildfire Rattan will be the best destination for this group of militia zombies.
This is Noipera’s welcome to these "outsiders" …
Chapter 999 Dark Elves Militia Captain
Lin Ze’s welcome to Neupera shows that he is ready to accept Maya and Lei Kedun Whisperwind, which shows that they will no longer have sympathy for these dark elf zombies.
Wildfire vine accompanied by black blade and green wind This group of dark elf zombies is not based on Maya and Lei Kedun Whisperwind. Lin Ze, Aganzo and others are still outside Noipera, and they don’t want to intervene * * and Clent is not prepared to join the battle because he knows his own strength to drag down Maya and Lei Kedun.
In that hundred chats about Three Lai ghosts and gods, they were not prepared to treasure their power. Since Clent guessed Lin Ze’s true identity, he had no longer been hostile to these three mysterious strangers. The three ghosts and gods were recognized by him as being able to move and became meaningful.
Lei Kedun Whisperwind naturally won’t recognize that Lin Ze is at the theatre. Lin Ze must have done so with his deep meaning. Moreover, with the help of Xiaoshuniang Healty Wildfire vine, this group of dark elf militia zombies can no longer hinder them. Even if they are numerous, it will put pressure on Maya and Lei Kedun.
Wildfire vine can do harm to these dark elf zombies and hinder their actions at the same time! They don’t need Lin Ze tentacles. They are enough to cope with this group of dark elf militia zombies … What’s more, they have the sacred oak Iluvita ancient leaves to protect their bodies and are not afraid of the virus attack from the dark elf militia zombies.
However, while Lei Kedun Whisperwind and Maya are trying to purify this group of dark elf militia zombies, this group of primitive order can fight on their own. The dark elf militia zombies actually stopped and moved themselves. In front of Lei Kedun Whisperwind and Maya, they slowly divided into a slightly different dark elf zombie archer who appeared in front of Maya and Lei Kedun …
Lin Ze appeared in this special dark elf zombie with a blink of an eye. This new dark elf zombie seems to have high-level Umbreon strength. If you add the physical increase brought by this purple mushroom disease, I am afraid that even the figure elf peak Lei Kedun Whisperwind can’t beat him in a short time.
And clent also told Lin Ze the identity of the dark elf at the first time
"Dark elves militia captain! Lord Lin Ze, this dark elf is the captain of Noipera militia. Look at this group of dark elf militia zombies. Even if they lose their minds, this militia captain still has control over this group of militia zombies. Lord Lin Ze, we can’t be careless about someone commanding the dark elf militia. We can’t underestimate it. "
Militia captain? Lin Ze’s face flashed a cold meaning. Is it that members of the violent manhunt in Noipera can stop them from advancing with a captain of the dark elf militia? It’s so naive …
Lei Kedun Whisperwind and Maya ran towards him when they saw the militia captain appear instantly, but just as they started, the dark elf militia without reason had formed a human wall in front of Lei Kedun and Maya.
Maya and Lei Kedun are instantly stagnant. The ancient leaves of the sacred oak Iluvita can infect the virus in the gas. If they really touch these dark elf zombies, the ancient leaves will shrink for a long time. If they lose the protection of the ancient leaves, they will have to spend their strength on defending against the virus.
For Lei Kedun Whisperwind and Maya, they naturally don’t want to consume this precious ancient leaf just after entering Noipera! But just before Maya and Lei Kedun Whisperwind stopped, they rushed to get rid of the dark elf militia zombies that stood in front of them, when Xiaoshuniang Healty Wildfire Fujiichi formed a flame barrier in front of them.
Lei Kedun Whisperwind and Maya were both surprised by this sudden situation, but in a second they heard a deafening explosion in front of them, and the flame barrier fluctuated violently at this moment, which seemed to be likely to break at any time.
Lei Kedun Whisperwind and Maya realized that the little tree Niang Healty’s action was to protect them. If it was not fatal on their bodies, it would certainly cost them a lot of effort. But Lei Kedun Whisperwind and Maya wondered how such a powerful explosion came about.
Is this group of dark elves militia zombies in front of them can produce such a powerful attack? It’s impossible. If these militiamen have such power, their former roots can’t easily kill them …
The flame barrier in front of Maya and Lei Kedun slowly dissipates. When the barrier completely dissipates, Maya and Lei Kedun are shocked by the scene in front of them. The original group of dark elf militia zombies in front of them have disappeared, and their limbs are cluttered in their eyes. In front of them, the only dark elf zombie who plays completely leaves the captain of the dark elf militia with a bow and arrow!
And the captain of the dark elf militia is keeping the full bowstring posture at this time. A purple flower seems to grow like a virus condensed and an arrow emerges in this long bow …
Lei Kedun Whisperwind and Maya finally realized what had just happened!
The captain of the dark elf militia actually ignored this group of dark elf militia zombies who protected him. He attacked them and attacked them directly together with this group of "companions" who stood in front of them. This scene was really unacceptable to Maya and Lei Kedun Whisperwind.
Perhaps there is no companion concept in front of this group of irrational dark elf zombies! Since these dark elf militia are the hands of this militia captain, they are a group of profitable chess. For this dark elf militia captain, it is nothing to sacrifice to defeat the enemy.
Because his ability is to splicing these crushed dark elf zombies, this is the purple mushroom disease that gives him special ability!
The long arrow condensed in the purple poisonous fog of the longbow is ready to go. Just now, the fragments of the dark elf zombies crushed by him, Maya and Lei Kedun are slowly gathering together to form a new dark elf zombie militia. Although these limbs may not be the same zombie militia, they are perfectly spliced together to form a new zombie militia in this dark elf militia captain’s ability.
Chapter 1 Lei Kedun unwilling
In the face of this incredible scene, Maya and Lei Kedun Whisperwind face an unbelievable shock!
What is this weird ability? If this dark elf militia captain’s ability will not be exhausted, doesn’t that mean they can’t kill these dark elf militia zombies?
In Maya and Lei Kedun shocked this moment has been in the dark elves militia captain longbow poised virus long arrow shot again! I have to say that this dark elf militia captain has a strong opportunity to find the opportunity. At this time, Maya and Lei Kedun have reduced their reaction due to shock, and it is impossible for the flame barrier formed in front of Xiaoshuniang Healty to reappear so soon.
If nothing else happens, Maya and Ray Lei Kedun Whisperwind will definitely eat his attack this time, but will everything be as smooth as the captain of the dark elf militia thinks? Maya and Lei Kedun Whisperwind are not the only two people at the end of this street. Linze won’t let Maya and Lei Kedun be attacked by this …
The purple virus long arrow has leapt over the distance between Maya and the captain of the dark elf militia in an instant … This purple virus long arrow has emerged in front of Maya and Lei Kedun Whisperwind, and Maya and Lei Kedun Whisperwind are about to bear the explosion damage that was blocked by the flame barrier of Xiaoshuniang Healty.
But just as the purple virus arrow was about to burst, a black figure appeared in front of Maya and Lei Kedun Whisperwind.
At this moment, the extremely cold force will freeze the street of Noipera, and it is no accident that the purple virus long arrow flies in the middle! In this strong frost smell, this purple virus long arrow was instantly frozen into an ice sword and fell to the ground and directly turned into ice.
At this moment, the whole Noipera street seems to be filled with a world of death. The original group of dark elf zombies roared and disappeared directly, and the whole world showed a dead silence …
Maya and Lei Kedun Whisperwind looked at Lin Ze in shock. They knew that Lin Ze had the power of darkness, but they never knew that Lin Ze could make such a powerful frost force, and at first hand, the whole street was directly frozen.
Lin Ze hand carrying a perfect ice blue sword before a wave of his hand at random that group of dark elves militia zombies reborn because of the dark elves militia captain into a drop of pieces more thoroughly than before.
"Lin Ze, will they still be resurrected?"
Mei Ya doesn’t want to see this group of corpses spliced together again. This scene is too disgusting for simple Mei Yagen to accept.
Turn your back on MeiYaLinZe gently nodded his head.
"It’s okay MeiYa! It would be nice to destroy this captain of the dark elf militia. This is Noipera’s first attack, and the field is just a small potato! Mei Ya and Lei Kedun should be more careful when they pick them up? "
Lin Ze said this casually before the captain of the dark elf militia. Compared with other dark elf militia zombies that were frozen into ice sculptures in an instant, the captain of the dark elf militia really had two brushes! Even in Lin Ze, the militia captain, who danced with fine snow and frost, was still not completely frozen. He still wanted to pull his bowstring and shoot his third arrow at Lin Ze.